Editorial cartoons about international affairs, politics, the University of Chicago, and other salient issues--updated twice weekly (or whenever the cartoonist feels like it)


Worst. Christmas. Ever.

Drawn in Photoshop CS5

You stop drawing editorial cartoons for a split second (or two-and-a-half-months, as it were), and the bloody world just up and decides to go to hell in a handbasket. Honestly, I could've just as easily put up a cartoon of Kim Jong Il flipping off the rest of the globe (with smoking artillery-tube fingers, of course), or a dead Irish tiger's stuffed head mounted atop a fireplace, or a tiny Julian Assange kicking Uncle Sam in the crotch--the possibilites are just goddamned nigh limitless.

In more optimistic/less depressing news, I plan on cartooning more frequently now that I've finished those animal illustrations, but I'll be too swamped with work/graduate school applications to attend to this oft-neglected blog for the rest of this week and the next one.

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